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Redemption of business assets

What is it about ?

A set of tangible* and intangible* assets forming an economic unit assigned to a commercial activity.

Tangible property

These are goods that relate to fundamental tools to take advantage of an activity:  

- Tools

- The goods

- The vehicles

- Necessary devices or machines

All this in a logic of proper functioning of the activity 

Intangible property

These are goods that cannot be touched but have a real market value, we   find there:

- Customers 

- The lease 

- Administrative licenses and authorizations

The different guarantees to be included in the act of purchase

There are different stages but the most important is obviously the deed of sale which consists of mandatory elements:

-  The origin of ownership of the fund: Mentioning in particular the identity of the seller.

-A list of all registrations encumbering the goodwill, 

-Turnover and operating profit for the last three financial years,

-The sale price,

-The characteristics of the lease. 

Project financing

-personal funds: 

Most of the time, a contribution of at least 30% of the total amount of the goodwill is requested. 

-The loan :

It is the best solution for any business financing. The duration of this is 15 years maximum with a banking institution. The bank will study your situation and your business plan, the latter bets everything on your project!

Types of financing

In order to meet the needs of the buyer, several financing solutions are possible:

- business loan

- leasing

- professional rental