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Business creation

Help to support you in your project

- Legal

- Administrative

- Financial

These structures can assist you with the creation of your business model, market research, your future marketing strategy and your business plan. 

Points to validate the consistency of your project

- Chosen activity, your skills and your experience

- The place of implantation

- Your operating resource requirements 

- Financial plan

- The forecast

- The choice of legal status.

It is important to choose your status carefully according to your expectations with regard to responsibilities towards third parties,   social security coverage and taxation. 

We support you in the Financing stage

This step may seem complex, which is why we are offering our help. In order to carry out your project, you will have to find means of financing for all the needs necessary for the start-up and the proper functioning of your company's activity.

However, there are other means such as, for example, crowdfunding, love money, honorary loans... Due to this wide range of solutions, it is important for you to be accompanied as well as possible in this process and we are here for you!